Dr Simon Stringer
Chief Executive
Research Director
Simon has been a research mathematician at Oxford University for 25 years. He has worked across a range of different areas of applied mathematics such as control systems, computational aerodynamics and epidemiology. For the last decade, he has led the Laboratory for Theoretical Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence within the Oxford University Department of Experimental Psychology.
The centre houses a team of theoreticians who are modelling various aspects of brain function, including vision, navigation, behaviour, audition and speech recognition. The aim of the centre is to develop integrated models of the brain that will display the rudiments of artificial general intelligence and machine consciousness within the next twenty years.

Dr Tom Girn
Tom is a mathematician with degrees in pure and in applied mathematics, and an MBA (distinction) from London Business School. He is Managing Director of AP Benson Limited, management consultants, a Chartered Accountant and a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner, specialising in business turnaround and recovery. He is a part time postdoctoral researcher with an interest in the origins of the American Revolution. Tom has over 26 years cross sectoral experience working with a wide variety of commercial and non-commercial organisations advising on turnaround strategies, and business development. His clients include many SMEs as well as; Tata Steel, John Lewis Partnership, B&Q, Amey, and in the public sector, HM Treasury, Defra, and the Arts Council England. He has for many years advised founders on the spin out of companies, including the games software company Natural Motion, spun out from the Department of Zoology, Oxford University.
Prior to founding AP Benson, Tom had a career with accountants Coopers and Lybrand and Arthur Andersen. He subsequently managed a small investment fund, Aragon Capital, for private investors, and was appointed Chief Executive of Oxford based Cherwell Scientific Limited, a company that developed software in genetic risk assessment, chemical and environmental fate monitoring, and the bibliography software EndNote. He led the turnaround of this company, the fund raising effort for £5m, and business development in the US healthcare market.

Dr Craig Livingstone
Applied Research & Development Director
Co-founding director of AP Benson Limited, management consultants. A skilled ICT business analyst and systems architect, Craig has led numerous software development projects delivering integrated business systems for public and private sector organisations including Transport for the North and Transport for Wales, Welsh Government and TATA Steel.
Craig is a technology expert with a strong focus on the use of technologies in business and an extensive knowledge of computer systems, business and technical applications in a variety of industries. He completed doctoral studies in molecular biophysics and bioinformatics at Oxford and developed his IT skills and experience in the pharmaceutical, clinical genetics and telemedicine sector.

Dr Peter McLeod
An emeritus Fellow at the Queen’s College in Oxford, Peter has over twenty years lecturing and research experience within the Department of Experimental Psychology at Oxford University. During this time he has taken a special interest in computer modelling of the brain. He has published more than 50 papers in scientific journals, and has written a standard introductory text book on computer simulation of the brain mechanisms of cognition: Introduction to connectionist modelling of cognitive processes (Oxford University Press, 1998).
He also has an interest in chess programming and in the study of reaction skills of amateur and professional cricketers. At first glance, Peter might seem like an antiquarian, an Oxford Don talking about a centuries old sport at a college founded in 1341 but he is a distinguished neuroscientist and experimental psychologist who works at the leading edge of both fields.